quotes and sayings
3 min readApr 18, 2022

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  1. I don’t think I have any celeb crushes!
  2. I’m sure there are little Aly and AJ fan babies out there that were made in our concerts. No, I’m kidding!
  3. You kind of need to weed through who is wanting to be a true friend.
  4. ‘The Distance’ is the most visceral for me because I was in a long-distance relationship for two years, and that wears on you for sure, whether you’re in the industry or not, traveling and trying to get to that other person.
  5. It’s amazing what happens when you’re confident as an artist. The writing completely changes, and you’re no longer depressed about your sound or what it’s going to be or if people are going to like it.
  6. My dream is to work with people like Meryl Streep, Michael Fassbender, Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett. To me, those are true storytellers — genuine people who have stories to tell and make incredible films.
  7. We hope to win over new listeners who would normally never listen to an Aly & AJ record. That’s our greatest expectation we’ve set for ourselves.
  8. There’s people I respect, and I guess that can be a crush. I think someone like Eddie Redmayne, he’s incredibly talented, and he’s realistic to say, like, oh yeah, that can be a crush because he’s not, like, fifty years old.
  9. I’m sure it’s 10 times easier to handle the criticism and the paparazzi and all of that stuff with somebody by your side that you can share some of that with.
  10. We got lucky because we both happened to land TV shows. It was easy to ride that wave as long as possible because making music takes up so much time.
  11. For me, I just want to continue telling stories — whether it’s musically or theatrically, this is what I love to do. So, I want to create more.
  12. Most of the time, you’re writing for radio, you’re writing for a label, you’re writing to stick a hit, and you end up coming out with something that isn’t necessarily genuine.
  13. I barely listen to the radio, to be honest. I don’t want anything infiltrating my ears that I don’t want to possibly put out in my song.
  14. Surrounding yourself with a great team that is really discerning and not pushing or rushing into a certain direction that doesn’t seem like a progressive flow is really important.
  15. We love U2, adore their music, just blown away by who they are as artists. They just seem like really good people.
  16. People think it’s lame to be young, but it’s not. And you only get to be young for so long.
  17. I want make more records with my sister. I want to go on the road. I want to tour around the world. I want to continue to make great films and work with incredible directors that I respect and look up to.
  18. I wouldn’t trade the childhood we had because, A, It was normal to me, even though, in hindsight, it’s not normal. It felt normal, and I think we maintained a pretty normal healthy attitude towards what we did. And B, I just wouldn’t trade it, the experience that we had and the growth we’ve had.
  19. I don’t really have control over my path — only the Lord does — but I do have control over my decisions.
  20. Aly and I went through just a long period of time where we just didn’t feel creative musically. And, you know, we went through the whole writer’s block thing, and we went through having two pretty successful records and figuring out how we want to transition as adults.