quotes and sayings
2 min readApr 2, 2022


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  1. Insecurity has been my lifelong thing.
  2. I was crawling out of the bedroom window with my older sister when I should have still been playing with dolls.
  3. My very addictive personality and all sorts of strongholds are a thing of the past for me. Yet at the root of every single one of those issues was insecurity, something I had battled since childhood.
  4. I don’t know how to explain it. A lot of Christians actually like other Christians in Houston. A lot of Christians even like non-Christians in Houston. And, on frequent occasions, a fair amount of non-Christians like us.
  5. I am convinced now that virtually every destructive behavior and addiction I battled off and on for years was rooted in my (well-earned) insecurity.
  6. Any of us in the public eye must remember: Never, ever believe your own press, and pray to develop a hypersensitive gag reflex regarding your own importance.
  7. I don’t know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today.
  8. The Word of God is so much broader than people are giving it credit for. Look at Proverbs, a book written on how to live.
  9. My parents were complicated people. They had a complicated relationship. My home was very, very complicated.
  10. When you do fiction, it is your imagination you have put out there.
  11. You have not quite lived in this ridiculously silly celebrity culture until you’ve been told one day how loved you are and the next day how hated you are — and sometimes by the same individual.
  12. My home and my upbringing and just the problems in my family within my extended family were such that it truly was a mix of the good, bad, and the ugly.
  13. I didn’t have a fireworks moment for my salvation. I had a falling in love with Jesus in Sunday school when I was a very young child.
  14. God’s good. He can just pull a life out of a pit, can’t He?
  15. To possess dignity is to be worthy of respect. Worthy of high esteem. Absorb this: you are worthy of respect.
  16. We Houstonians, generally speaking, are hearty. The weather’s too hot for us not to be.
  17. I was the worst teacher you have ever imagined — not that we did not have fun. We had a ton of fun. We just did not learn any scripture. I would think all week long what could I talk about on Sunday, and then I would scramble on Saturday to find some kind of scripture to go with it. This was my teaching.
  18. I don’t write for the money. I write because something in me is constantly compelled.
  19. I was an emotional wreck even as a young child, fearful and tearful.
  20. I’ve seen a lot of miracles, and I have experienced a lot of things with Jesus, but nothing I have ever experienced in my corporate community life with other believers can compare with just me and Him in my kitchen early in the morning before the sun comes up.

