quotes and sayings
2 min readMar 28, 2022


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  1. There is no doubt that the New England Patriots are the greatest football team of all time, which is why it is my distinct pleasure to proclaim the week of February 4, 2019 as New England Patriots Appreciation Week in the State of New Hampshire.
  2. Our pro-jobs, pro-growth economic agenda is paying off for New Hampshire families, allowing them the freedom to spend their money as they see fit.
  3. When victims of crime find the strength to come forward and engage in the criminal justice process we must ensure that they have basic rights and protections in place.
  4. New Hampshire has one of the oldest housing stocks in the nation, which puts us all at a heightened risk of lead poisoning.
  5. New Hampshire has always shown prudence and responsibility in its application of the death penalty.
  6. Increasing patient access to more affordable, FDA-approved generic and biosimilar medicines is a proven and tested solution to lowering prescription drug costs.
  7. We will not let government bureaucracy stand in the way of helping small businesses.
  8. Ensuring a safe and successful summer season for beachgoers and area businesses is a top priority for the State of New Hampshire.
  9. Live free or die is not just a slogan on a license plate. It is the very essence of who we are.
  10. Regardless of fuel type or technology, every major energy project must face the challenge of siting infrastructure.
  11. If we really want to be the Live Free or Die State, we must ensure that New Hampshire is a place where every person, regardless of their background, has an equal and full opportunity to pursue their dreams and to make a better life for themselves and their families.
  12. Whether it’s the family working hard to make ends meet or the business that has to put off hiring new employees, high electricity costs weigh down on everyone — especially the elderly and those on fixed incomes.
  13. Vice President Mondale was an individual deeply devoted to public service.
  14. Our nation’s tax code is a broken mess of rules and regulations. It rewards special interests, punishes success and holds back millions of Americans seeking better jobs, higher wages, and greater opportunities.
  15. Streamlining New Hampshire’s regulatory framework is a key priority of my administration.
  16. Pretrial detentions of any length can have devastating consequences for a defendant and their families, and therefore should be imposed with great care.
  17. The state of New Hampshire is committed to delivering results for New Hampshire’s veterans.
  18. My administration is committed to advocating for policies that promote New Hampshire’s seniors and their caregivers.
  19. President George H.W. Bush was a friend to so many of us and his loss will undoubtedly be felt deeply across the Granite State.
  20. It is a priority of my administration to continue New Hampshire’s long tradition of Environmental Conservationism.

