quotes and sayings
3 min readMay 18, 2022


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  1. My parents and grandparents have always been engaged in teaching or the medical profession or the priesthood, so I’ve sort of grown up with a sense of complicity in the lives of other people, so there’s no virtue in that; it’s the way one is raised.
  2. The last thing I would attempt to do is to buy clothes for a child I didn’t know well.
  3. I’m not patient, and some things drive me crazy. In my work, I get incredibly upset when people don’t get it right or don’t respect others’ needs.
  4. I love ‘Manhattan’, and I know it’s not one of Woody’s favorites.
  5. I backpacked through France and Italy in my teens, and then I was at Cannes with the first movie I did in ‘84.
  6. I’ve grown up surrounded by Americans and to a very large extent feel American. It sounds strange because I seem to be so quintessentially English in everyone’s mind — and perhaps I am. Perhaps it’s quintessentially English to have a fascination with America.
  7. People coming up and saying something nice is always welcome. But when you’re being secretly photographed, that’s not so nice. I would rather shake hands with someone and exchange a few words than take a selfie.
  8. Almost every comedy you see is about people making all wrong choices and making all the errors of judgement possible. Good comedy is when it works on this scale. Because it is psychologically very real.
  9. The English people, a lot of them, would not be able to understand a word of spoken Shakespeare. There are people who do and I’m not denying they exist. But it’s a far more philistine country than people think.
  10. They’re not bombarding me with offers, although the ones that have come along have been too preposterous to contemplate, so it’s not as if I spend every day resisting $20 million pay cheques.
  11. My looks aren’t something that come dazzlingly through in everything I do. I can be made to look one way or the other fairly easily… I am still not recognised on the street that much.
  12. We are actors who show up for work in our sloppy gear, and we’ve got this extraordinary tailor. It’s someone else who’s done the design; someone else who’s cut the suit; someone else who’s measured it. Basically, your job is to just wear it.
  13. I have a kind of neutrality, physically, which has helped me. I have a face that can be made to look a lot better — or a lot worse.
  14. Growing up, my mates and I would have rather been Sid Vicious or members of the Royal Family.
  15. Hollywood hasn’t aggressively pursued me. Neither have I aggressively pursued Hollywood.
  16. The only reason I’m in ‘Kingsman’ is because Matthew enjoys playing with the unexpected. I’m not playing Harry Hart because I’m the butchest actor in Britain. I’m playing it because he said I’m the last person anyone would expect to see in that role!
  17. Forget trying to be sexy. That’s just gruesome.
  18. My singing voice is somewhere between a drunken apology and a plumbing problem.
  19. I was in a lake in ‘Love Actually’, and I was attacked by some hideous aquatic beast and was rushed to the hospital by a man named Rafael! Something stung my elbow, and it blew up to the size of a tennis ball.
  20. I feel more comfortable in drama. Comedy is a high-wire act. I find it stressful. It’s a precision science in a way.

