quotes and sayings
3 min readJul 14, 2022


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  1. I always wanted to be a Broadway girl. But once I got Tony-nominated, it really messed with me, because it was like, yes, I’m getting this affirmation that you’re right where you’re supposed to be, but there was still this voice saying, ‘You’re not good enough.’
  2. Because I’ve worked with Netflix from the beginning, and that’s my first job, I only want to work with creators, producers, and networks that are pushing the limit and putting people on the screen that haven’t had their stories told yet.
  3. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your pride to really go after what you want.
  4. Don’t compare your career to anyone else’s. It’s tough when you’re in a business that’s competitive. I was having a difficult time with that in college. Now, I’m having to learn to be patient and be where I am.
  5. I don’t drink coffee, but I do try to find a way to get some chocolate in every day.
  6. I was always getting caught for running my mouth. Which is why it was the best thing for me to get into acting so I could express myself.
  7. I think theater and church are so relatable because it’s traditional call-and-response in the way that an audience interacts with the actors.
  8. It wasn’t until I saw ‘The Color Purple’ on Broadway when I was 15 that I really solidified acting is what I want to do professionally.
  9. Clothing is so much a part of who we are; that’s our way of expressing ourselves.
  10. My biggest thing is telling a truthful story, something that is rooted in something and is very honest. If I read a script and you want me to take off my top, and it doesn’t serve a purpose, then I’m not going to do it.
  11. I want to design clothes that I wish I could have worn when I was a teenager.
  12. I’ve always said that actor years is like dog years: it feels like forever when you’re not working.
  13. Sometimes I need a slower pace, to slow my mind down and just be with nature, go outside.
  14. In Greenville, we were blessed to have lots of youth arts programs. I changed middle schools to go to an arts middle school. Then, when high school came, I went to normal high school for a little while before auditioning for the Governor’s School for Arts and Humanities.
  15. I just want to be fully challenged as an artist, so that anyone who looks like me, who relates to me, says, ‘Oh, if Danielle did it, I can.’
  16. You reap what you sow, and sometimes the soil can be very dry, and sometimes it will bring a lot of rain.
  17. I’ve gotten rejected a lot.
  18. I went to Juilliard, for God’s sakes. I know a little something about combat.
  19. In South Carolina, there’s a lot of arts programs. So I was blessed enough to go to the Governor School For Arts & Humanities.
  20. I want to be in everything, but that’s because I haven’t seen someone who looks like me in everything. I want to play a superhero. I want to be the love interest. I want to write my own stuff and create my own projects. I want to be in French films.

