Hans Vestberg Quotes

quotes and sayings
2 min readMar 24, 2023


  1. There are so many devices that can receive video, creating complexities, because suddenly you can have a TV, laptop, smartphone, pads. And they are of different sizes. It’s clear that you need to standardise and get a much more efficient TV delivery.
  2. By the end of 2020, the only region of the world that will still have a lot of 2G connections may be Africa.
  3. Today there are two points where a car manufacturer has interaction with you as an owner of a car. One, you buy the car. Two, you go to the car shop to repair the car.
  4. We want to be on the edge of technology all of the time. We think long-term.
  5. Remember, China is the largest country in the world, so they have the confidence, the capital and resources to create large companies.
  6. We need to understand what innovation will be built on top of our networks.
  7. My mail address is open for anyone, and I read all my mails by myself.
  8. We want to be number one, from the ingestion of content to the play-out to any type of channel. Everything between there, you should see Ericsson if you are a broadcaster, telecoms operator, or cable operator.
  9. It is users that are driving the networks with innovations on top of the networks and with innovations in the devices space. This is very healthy.
  10. I read mails throughout the day but answer mails more in the morning and evening.
  11. What was really tough for me was that Lars Magnus Ericsson founded Ericsson in 1876; we’ve always had a consumer product. And I’m the 16th CEO of Ericsson, and I decided that we don’t have any consumer products anymore.
  12. You can always think that we’re old and not innovative, but there is no company that can limp on for 139 years without being creative and having the genes to change.
  13. I manage my business; politicians are doing their business. I can only work within their rules and regulations. I can’t pick up a political fight.
  14. When you start losing market share, it’s really tough to gain it back; you need the product portfolio and presence in many markets.
  15. Even if you buy a Finnish, Korean or American phone — it will be Ericsson on the inside.
  16. You’re going to see this ‘Internet of things’ start demanding network performance and making the networks much more aware of what is on top of them.
  17. I believe in free trade. I don’t support regulating trade prices between different regions. Our point of view is we don’t want trade barriers between different countries.
  18. I was taking a break from university so I could play handball full-time for a year.
  19. We have the global scale, but not everyone has 4G in the world.
  20. I believe mobile technology has a much broader role to play. It could solve some of the biggest problems on earth.

