quotes and sayings
2 min readMar 27, 2022


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  1. If you don’t accept there is a problem, then it is hard to debate things.
  2. Social injustice is what puts Scotland at its greatest disadvantage, and restoring the 50p tax rate will start to fight that.
  3. I got a very strong sense from my mother, in particular, that we are all equal in the sight of God.
  4. We need to find a way of having a conversation across the parties on how you fund local government.
  5. My uncle was skipper on the old Claymore sailing out from Oban to the Inner Hebrides. My father worked for MacBraynes all his life, on freight boats and then on ferries crossing to Skye, Barra, Uist, the small isles and Iona.
  6. Those of us who were part of creating the Scottish parliament believe we must always test constitutional arrangements. The real test is where do the powers lie? Is it in the best interests of Scotland?
  7. Telling the truth, and confronting the challenge, is what politics is about.
  8. In my mind, the CalMac ferry is linked with the joy of arrival, the sadness of departure, the loss of loved ones brought home by ferry to rest in island soil. It is friendships made and a working life begun.
  9. I guess it feels to me that the political argument that has been lost in my lifetime is taxation. How do you engage in that debate when people don’t trust politicians at all? It is almost impossible to start a conversation about taxation.
  10. I want to change Scotland, but the only way we can change Scotland is by changing the Scottish Labour Party.
  11. There is a circus around politics. But if you think it is a game, then you forget what the purpose of politics actually is.
  12. I’d always step up to the mark to serve the people of the country.
  13. It’s true across the U.K. that those who had least to do with causing the economic crisis are carrying the heaviest burden. That’s unacceptable.
  14. I spent ridiculous amounts of time as an activist and volunteer and was a teacher for 20 years.
  15. I don’t agree with the Tories on most things.
  16. Our task is a great one, not just because of how far we have fallen. Our task is a great one because of the challenges facing the people we seek to serve.
  17. I’m pretty proud of having completed a marathon myself, so I can only imagine the pride that real athletes feel when they are picked for the Olympic or the Paralympic Games.
  18. We will renew our party, to rebuild our land — and we will do it by being a better Labour, real Labour, Scottish Labour.
  19. Separation and devolution are two completely different concepts which cannot be mixed together. One is not a stop on the way to the other.
  20. When universities are forced to recruit more and more from outwith Scotland just to balance the books, it is inevitable that doors are being slammed shut on some of our brightest talent.

