quotes and sayings
3 min readJul 4, 2022


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  1. I feel a kind of permission and freedom in my work that I might not allow myself in my real life.
  2. Seeing someone happy on set is just a very small slice of the reality of an actor’s life.
  3. I find life so shocking in general. Everything about it surprises me.
  4. Sometimes you find yourself digging around for something useful, and you don’t necessarily know what it is until you find it. Sometimes it’s a word from a book that you read every day.
  5. My first memory of the Harry Potter series was my little brother just falling into those books and not resurfacing until he was done. That J.K. Rowling got an entire generation reading is extraordinary — I’m amazed, thrilled, and proud to now be portraying one of that phenomenal writer’s characters.
  6. Acting is a community where you come in and out of each other’s lives. I’m slightly envious of the Golden Age of Hollywood. It must have been frustrating to be owned by the studio, but it was also like being in a company, working with the same people, and that appeals to me.
  7. Sometimes we’ll walk into a set, and I’ll think, ‘Oh, this film doesn’t look like this.’ You know, ’cause I read the script, and I saw it in my head in some other way. Which is a lot like what happens when they’re writing a movie that’s based on a book — I’m like, ‘Ah! He doesn’t have a beard.’ You have these visions in your head about it.
  8. The things I love about this business the most, is that it is a challenge trying to prove to everyone — including yourself — that you can do something different than what people think you’re capable of.
  9. I think that when you are struggling as an actor, you imagine that if things were to pan out, everything in your life would change, But really, it’s not so different. You’re still pursuing good work. You still panic that you’re doing it all wrong.
  10. All acting is nudity. It’s all vulnerable — and a little bit scary.
  11. I don’t like to talk about things unless I have to. I don’t like to talk a scene to death or overanalyze it, especially if I feel like I have some way in on my own.
  12. Being interviewed is an odd experience for me because I was an actor a long time before anyone ever asked me a question about myself. When I started being interviewed, I definitely felt I was being asked to defend or explain myself.
  13. I really love fashion, but I feel like the older I get, the more I am drawn to the basic things in my daily life because everything else is so goofy and crazy.
  14. What appeals about the ’70s is the celebration of the female form, the lack of constriction.
  15. There’s something particular about the way Los Angeles feels in the summertime. It slows down and is hazy and dreamy, and you can put on certain music and go for a drive and be totally sober but feel stoned.
  16. I thought acting was what grownups did. It was such a part of my childhood. I was already in love with performing before I knew there were other options. By then, it was too late.
  17. Usually on films, you get used to kind of being told, ‘This is what you’re going to wear, this is what you’re going to hold, and remember, you’re lucky to be here, and shut up.’
  18. When I got to NYU, I immediately inquired about doing a double major in acting and photography.
  19. Self-promotion is not my strong suit, for sure. I don’t look down on it; I just don’t understand how to do it.
  20. It’s very easy to think that the way things are is the way things will stay, and life just isn’t like that.

