quotes and sayings
2 min readJul 20, 2022


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  1. There are a great number of people from New Jersey who go on to have pretty successful careers.
  2. I’m not interested in political theater.
  3. I watch a lot of classic movies — my TV guilty pleasures are ‘The Wonder Years’ or the original ‘MASH’ show.
  4. I think that some people like to be someone other than themselves when acting, while others are most themselves. I fall into the second camp. For me, acting is a great exercise in getting to the truth about myself.
  5. I’m obviously interested in playing characters who have autonomy, who drive the story.
  6. I have a whole life in New York and a life in L.A. and to live one-third of the year in a place that isn’t one of those is kind of a bummer.
  7. You do a straight play for three months, four months, maybe. It’s so brief. And then you’re on to the next thing. I loved that. I love that rhythm and that pace.
  8. Showing women being scientists on television can have a great impact on who actually goes into science as a profession.
  9. I am sick to my stomach, just, all the time. The tools in my toolbox to address that are choosing jobs where I can be a full, complete person, where I have some agency and autonomy.
  10. I was a mime. I’m not kidding. I went to Northwestern University and they have a mime company, so we did a lot of training and then a lot of mime shows around Chicago.
  11. For a long time, I really blithely walked around in the world imagining that gender didn’t matter any more and behaving like I was on equal footing with other people. And I think, for a long time, it was easy to live in the world that way.
  12. The kinds of people that we see on television making science are old white guys with crazy hair, and those aren’t the only people making science.
  13. I’d love to play St. Joan or Hamlet, and hopefully I will.
  14. I’m a real amateur enthusiast for science.
  15. I don’t wanna be in a show that’s salacious just for the sake of getting viewers.
  16. If you’re on a TV show, you never know what’s going to happen week to week with your character.
  17. Playing the same role over and over makes me feel claustrophobic sometimes and smaller than I am.
  18. To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that it’s never done; it’s never perfect, and so it’s the process. It’s like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.
  19. Keeping secrets is hard.
  20. I did a lot of theater, so especially as an on-camera camera actor, there are so many things that aren’t in your toolbox. They’re somebody else’s job. You think about editors and rhythm. Volume isn’t even in your control.

