quotes and sayings
3 min readMay 1, 2022


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  1. I don’t read music. I refuse to learn how to do that. I barely know half the chords I’m playing. I like being naive when it comes to that.
  2. I’m really good at bringing out greatness — in anybody. I don’t even have to be in the studio. What a gift to be able to help people bring out the best qualities in them.
  3. For me, to have had an impact with anything that you’ve done, whether it’s a painting, a photo, a poem, or something that you’ve created, just that experience is enormous. You don’t get that all the time.
  4. If you’re not confident, people push you around. That’s it. It’s super-simple.
  5. I was scared of failure, of being a one-hit wonder, never being able to write another song again, never being able to sing again. Maybe everything that I think I am and who I want to be never will happen.
  6. I want to show people my interpretation of what creating music is, and this is where it comes from: the heart.
  7. If you want to be famous, you can.
  8. It’s not a ‘sexy’ position, being the producer. You have to be very bossy. You have to be very aggressive.
  9. I’m overcritical, insensitive, and pushy when it comes to me. With everybody else, I’m a great listener, and all I want is for them to be happy.
  10. I’m extremely hard to work with.
  11. Food is supposed to be vibrant, fresh, filled with color.
  12. Rock & roll doesn’t belong on a grid. It belongs on a pulse — a natural pulse.
  13. I’ve had many songs where I’ve gone, ‘Oh, my God, this song is going to be huge!’ but it wasn’t the right artist, or something just didn’t happen. It didn’t make the song any worse. It just didn’t line up. That does happen.
  14. I’ve been touching instruments since the day I was born. My mother is Brazilian, and she listens to Brazilian music. My father was a musician, and I’ve seen pictures of him when he was in a band playing guitar and piano. He loved country music, Frank Sinatra, and stuff like that.
  15. My process of songwriting comes from a very real place: a place that when you watch ‘American Idol’ — God bless it, it’s probably an awesome experience that these people are having, but it’s not a real one.
  16. I would love for Radiohead to give me a call and say, ‘Hey, kid, we wanna see what it’s like working with you. We want you to produce our next record.’
  17. I don’t care if I go broke. I don’t care about all that stuff. I just want to know that I did everything I wanted to do.
  18. In no way am I a spiritual person. I’m not some guru geek.
  19. When making any record, a producer has a list of things you hope an artist brings to the studio. Songs that are strong even without the bells and whistles.
  20. I’m great at working with people and collaborating. And if my biggest gift of all is that I’m really good at pulling things from people and helping them become better at what they’re doing, I’m here, as I believe all of us are, to be of service.

