quotes and sayings
2 min readJul 31, 2022


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  1. At one point, I took a year off just to listen to music and really digest it. I listened to everything you could imagine.
  2. My whole thing is that I make music regardless. Regardless of everything around me, I’ll always make music.
  3. I listen to a lot of different things. I’ll be listening to prog rock, then the next couple of hours — Indian.
  4. Dudes I work with have to be like-minded to where I just hand them a beat that has a chorus and they can do with them what they gotta do. If they can’t do that, I usually don’t work with ‘em.
  5. My pops had me at the studio since I was born. That’s why I got into music. He would let me go up on the controls and mess with stuff.
  6. I’ve got about three or four rooms of records, and two rooms of instruments.
  7. I don’t have beef with anybody.
  8. I’m quiet, so people might think I’m a mute.
  9. I made an electronic record in the vein of Cluster. I was programming synthesizers and drum machines and that sort of thing.
  10. I’m a man of few words.
  11. I do a few shows every year, but I’m mostly at home, making music. Day and night.
  12. I grew up on Public Enemy, which had a message with great music behind it.
  13. The equipment doesn’t matter, it’s the vibe you put into it. If the music sounds good, music sounds good.
  14. I’m a positive dude.
  15. Not anyone can rap to my beats.
  16. Some people think I’m crazy, but I’m just a normal dude that loves music.
  17. I don’t do selfies.
  18. I’m a hermit, people rarely see me.
  19. Basically my whole life is music, that’s all I do 24–7.
  20. I search for records that I’ve found on YouTube. If I can’t get the record it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll bump the YouTube rip.

