quotes and sayings
2 min readJun 14, 2022

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  1. I like getting up early, but I haven’t got a routine — mainly because I never have a clear idea of what day of the week it is.
  2. Marketing is a very good thing, but it shouldn’t control everything. It should be the tool, not that which dictates.
  3. Oh, some of my films have been attacked with absolute vitriol!
  4. ‘Eureka’ was very bad timing. The early 1980s: Reagan and Thatcher were in, greed was good, and here was a film about the richest man in the world who still couldn’t be happy. Politically and sociologically, it was out of step.
  5. There’s horror in your life, believe me, whether it’s coming, or you’ve just been lucky to miss it today.
  6. I imagine if aliens came down to Earth, they’d actually be quite tall; people seem to get everything right about extraterrestrials but the size!
  7. I don’t look back on any film I’ve done with fondness or pride.
  8. I’ve always noticed that films set in any sort of future very rarely draw on the present.
  9. I generally try to avoid talking about my old films — I find it difficult.
  10. My father was an extraordinary man.
  11. I made a film called ‘Bad Timing’ that I thought everybody would respond to. It was about obsessive love and physical obsession. I thought this must touch everyone, from university dons down.
  12. I like the probability of the impossible.
  13. Film can be more of a reality than a page with words can ever be.
  14. I like women in film. I like women in general, but I especially like to show them on film. They are not ciphers.
  15. I’ve never tried to enhance my reputation. Never moved upwards from one thing to another. That sort of thing is of no interest to me at all.
  16. Fear has many faces.
  17. Our lives are full of all the genres. Fear and hope and sadness.
  18. We’re all influenced by everything unless we’re locked in an empty room.
  19. I’ve always felt that, although Truffaut was greatly revered and admired, at the same time, in terms of film and how much he loved film, he was underestimated.
  20. I wouldn’t like to be a non-believer in anything.

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