2 min readJun 14, 2022
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- I like getting up early, but I haven’t got a routine — mainly because I never have a clear idea of what day of the week it is.
- Marketing is a very good thing, but it shouldn’t control everything. It should be the tool, not that which dictates.
- Oh, some of my films have been attacked with absolute vitriol!
- ‘Eureka’ was very bad timing. The early 1980s: Reagan and Thatcher were in, greed was good, and here was a film about the richest man in the world who still couldn’t be happy. Politically and sociologically, it was out of step.
- There’s horror in your life, believe me, whether it’s coming, or you’ve just been lucky to miss it today.
- I imagine if aliens came down to Earth, they’d actually be quite tall; people seem to get everything right about extraterrestrials but the size!
- I don’t look back on any film I’ve done with fondness or pride.
- I’ve always noticed that films set in any sort of future very rarely draw on the present.
- I generally try to avoid talking about my old films — I find it difficult.
- My father was an extraordinary man.
- I made a film called ‘Bad Timing’ that I thought everybody would respond to. It was about obsessive love and physical obsession. I thought this must touch everyone, from university dons down.
- I like the probability of the impossible.
- Film can be more of a reality than a page with words can ever be.
- I like women in film. I like women in general, but I especially like to show them on film. They are not ciphers.
- I’ve never tried to enhance my reputation. Never moved upwards from one thing to another. That sort of thing is of no interest to me at all.
- Fear has many faces.
- Our lives are full of all the genres. Fear and hope and sadness.
- We’re all influenced by everything unless we’re locked in an empty room.
- I’ve always felt that, although Truffaut was greatly revered and admired, at the same time, in terms of film and how much he loved film, he was underestimated.
- I wouldn’t like to be a non-believer in anything.