quotes and sayings
3 min readJul 9, 2022


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  1. One thing in space, just like home: you cannot escape housework. Every Saturday is clean-the-station day.
  2. Once you’re in space, you don’t get visitors very often.
  3. Well, eating is very similar to eating on Earth. Of course, there is no gravity, so your food does float around. So you have to be a little bit more careful that it doesn’t go flying off your fork or spoon.
  4. It is incredibly exciting to be able to actually go and live on the space station after having worked so long on seeing the hardware built, getting it launched and maintaining it.
  5. Learning how to and being expected to know how to fly an international partner vehicle is quite something, especially having to do it all in Russian.
  6. I don’t really have a lot of anxieties.
  7. It’s fascinating to learn math and science and engineering.
  8. Yeah, I think everybody goes through periods, especially in college, where the homework is really piling up and then you have several more weeks of school left and you think that you’ll never be able to get through all the homework problems that you have to do or read all the books or write all the papers that you have to write.
  9. I can talk about casting a ballot from space since I did it last time I was on the space station. They basically send you an electronic file, it’s a PDF, and you mark your choices.
  10. To be able to watch our colleagues, our friends come home safely is always an emotional event.
  11. Sunsets are absolutely amazing from the Space Station.
  12. Well, I was quite young when we first walked on the moon; I had just turned four, but I did watch it on TV. I think that just set the seed right then that that would be a really interesting thing to do.
  13. Most of my family and friends are very familiar with the human space flight program and with the excitement of becoming an astronaut.
  14. The important thing is to try to stay connected with friends and family.
  15. My sleeping bag is affixed to a wall and I climb inside and sort of float around in the sleeping bag at night while I’m sleeping.
  16. NASA needs to decide, along with Congress, what our destination is going to be, whether it’s going to be the moon, an asteroid or on to Mars. And we’re building a heavy-lift vehicle to get us there and building the capsules that’s going to be needed to carry the crew.
  17. We’ve got pictures from the Space Station going back 20 years. We can see the glaciers receding in the photography that we do. We can see the effects of lakes drying up and other things that are happening around the planet.
  18. It’s unfortunate, but I know it’s the right thing to do to end the shuttle program. If we want to do other things, we need a different spacecraft.
  19. I wanted to become an astronaut because I believe that the exploration of space by humans is extremely important.
  20. I do remember the space program from my earliest memories. It’s always been with me and something I wanted to be a part of.

