quotes and sayings
3 min readJun 23, 2022


for more Tulsi Gabbard quotes:Click Here

  1. No member of any ‘grouping’ should be judged by the activity of some other individual in that same grouping.
  2. We need to stop judging individuals based on their race, profession, gender, religion, or anything other than their own individual behavior and character.
  3. Some Republicans are good, and some Republicans are bad. Some Democrats are good, and some Democrats are bad. There are good police, and there are bad police. There are good black people and bad black people. There are good white people and bad white people.
  4. I am proud to be the first Hindu American to have been elected to Congress and now the first Hindu American to run for president.
  5. I am a very firm believer in the Aloha spirit — respect and love for everyone, irrespective of their religion, race, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  6. Our nation was founded on the principle that our government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people — where all people are treated equally, and with respect, in these United States of America.
  7. We must stop arming terrorists.
  8. I was raised in Hawaii in what I call a ‘faith-inclusive’ family. I never felt I had to choose loyalty to the New Testament over the Bhagavad Gita. It really wasn’t until my late teens that I became aware of the ugly concept of sectarianism.
  9. I am a military police officer and I have served on two deployments; my first was to Iraq, in a medical unit, and my second deployment was to Kuwait, as a military police platoon leader.
  10. As progressives, we care about the well-being of others. We are soft-hearted and have aloha, respect, compassion for others, and we don’t like to see anyone suffering.
  11. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America’s understanding of India as well as India’s understanding of America.
  12. If we want to change this culture of hate and bigotry, every one of us must stand up and speak with one voice to condemn it, because an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.
  13. The divisiveness that threatens the fabric of our nation — whether due to race, religion, political ideology, gender, sexual orientation, or other — must end.
  14. We must remember that this nation was founded by people fleeing religious persecution, risking everything to find a place to be free to worship as they chose or not to worship at all.
  15. To maintain order after Assad’s fall would require at least 500,000 troops in a never-ending occupation.
  16. These days, it’s often women in uniform — moms, wives, even grandmothers — who deploy and leave their families behind.
  17. No matter where you’re from, no matter what religion you practice, your ethnicity, race, or anything else — what is it that can bring us together as people? It is, what we call in Hawaii, aloha… sincere, deep love and respect for other people as children of God.
  18. Let’s care for the land and water, heal our cherished planet, and promote wellness for all of her people. Water is life. Let’s protect the natural resources that our lives depend upon.
  19. Every single American deserves to be treated equally by their fellow Americans and under the law.
  20. Sadly, the system in this country is rigged in favor of wealthy elites who have purchased tremendous influence in our government.

