quotes and sayings
2 min readDec 16, 2022

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  1. All these people who scream about Kashmir being an armed camp are in fact responsible for keeping it that way.
  2. I am not only a Parsi, I am a Kashmiri too.
  3. I have had bullets flying at concerts, but I don’t want to talk about that.
  4. Indian hotels are doing well globally because they understand hospitality.
  5. I just want to play for Hindus and Muslims that sit together. That’s all I want to do.
  6. I miss the standard of the New York Philharmonic’s playing very much. It has certainly been a high point in my life.
  7. The private sector is growing so incredibly in India, in every city you have industries for whom building a concert hall would be nothing financially. But they just don’t do it.
  8. After conducting Wagner, Beethoven’s triple concerto is like taking an Alka Seltzer.
  9. My family and relatives alone could fill Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay.
  10. Citizens of India, Pakistan, and Kashmir need to come together and make music.
  11. I always look at the work of fashion designers as if they were art.
  12. There was an opinion expressed in the newspapers that, after 20 years, maybe the Israel Philharmonic should consider asking me to leave. I thought they might have a point, so I asked my orchestra. They told me overwhelmingly that they wanted me to stay.
  13. If North American musicians would only know how uncomfortable life is for European musicians.
  14. The amount of culture going on in a small country like Israel is amazing.
  15. My father was a trained accountant, a BCom from Sydenham College and a self-taught violinist. In the 1920s, when he was in his teens, he heard a great violinist, Jascha Heifetz, and he was so inspired listening to him that he bought himself a violin, and with a little help from an Italian teacher, he learned to play it.
  16. Music is the message of peace, and music only brings peace.
  17. I sometimes feel it is to my disadvantage that I have not conducted the Cleveland Orchestra or the Boston or Chicago symphonies, but then I have had to sacrifice something in order to have enough time with my orchestras.
  18. I’m very much tied to the state of Israel, but I am against their policy of settlements in Palestine.
  19. I believe in music.
  20. I’m a pucca Indian. Bombay is my home.